Our Vision
We are a Christian ministry that helps residents of north Whatcom County with short-term emergency basic assistance including: food, clothing, furniture, rent utilities, transportation and housing. We desire to minister to the whole person (body and spirit) with the love and grace of God, through the life and power of Jesus Christ.
The vision of CHA is for our community to be characterized by love and cooperation, where Christians help individuals, families, neighbors and our community by working together in an effort so all may live in the will and grace of the Kindgom of Jesus Christ. We envision our community growing in character and stature, evidenced by people of different economic, cultural and racial backgrounds and joining together to solve problems of the individual as well as the whole community.
Our Purpose
CHA exists to help build community. By our definition community is “human relationships held together by relational ties, living out a common purpose, through common participation”, much in the same way that St. Augustine describes community as “a group of people united by the common objects of their love.” We attempt to work toward this goal through personal and corporate service by promoting genuine community under the care of God. We help individuals and families to serve one another and use the strength and resources of their community to bless those with few resources. We strive to lead and encourage our community to work together to accomplish dreams, solve problems and bless others with faith and service.
Our Mandate
Together, we are called by scripture (Mark 12:30-31) to: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength…and Love your neighbor as yourself”. By virtue of the Grace of God placed upon our personal and corporate lives, through the reign of Jesus Christ as Lord, we desire to be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Christ.