New Way Mentoring


The Next Steps Mentor Program was implemented to help those in the program to successfully integrate within the community. A mentor’s task is to help the resident and her family in various ways:

  • To engage in the local community and church
  • To be available for prayer
  • To be available for advice about budgeting, parenting, life in general.
  • To be a trusted friend who will listen

To be a mentor to a young mother and her children, as many who has done so can attest, is a way to share the love of Christ in a practical way. Being a mentor grants you the opportunity to fulfill the Scripture in James 2:27:

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”

Few who come through our doors are truly widows and orphans, but many live as if they are. Many have been abandoned, assaulted…or simply made poor choices. If you are one of those God has chosen to help bring healing into these broken lives, please prayerfully consider filling out the application and call us.

If you are interested in our mentoring program please contact Wa’Lynn Klein at (360) 354-9930